Age groups include 8U for K-3rd grades, 10U for 4th and 5th grades , 14U for all middle school players and 16U/18U for high school players.
The 2025 Softball Season, we will be playing in the Northwest Baltimore County/Harford County Fastpitch Softball League. This league includes several recreation councils within our area including, Carroll Manor, North Harford, Jarrettsville, Delta, and Hereford.
Games will be played inside and outside of the Hereford Zone at participating rec council fields. Games will begin at 6:00pm on weeknights unless previously arranged at a different time between the opposing coaches and will last 90 minutes. Games days and locations will be chosen by the coach and game can be held on anyday of the week.
Requests for team placement will be considered but not guaranteed. Each player is permitted one request. Every effort is made to make teams even for the betterment of the program as a whole. Refunds will not be given to any player who withdrawals from the program.
Coaches will schedule all games and share rules specific to their age group.
USSSA Rules will be followed with excpetions made for specific age groups.
Pitching styles allowed include USSSA, USA, NSA, and High School Federation